Feb 18, 2022 | Company, News, People
Kostas Alexis, professor and researcher of autonomous systems at NTNU, joins ScoutDI as scientific advisor
Dec 23, 2021 | Company, News, People
Dear followers, It’s been another special year with its upturns and downturns related to the pandemic. Of course, this has imposed some restrictions on us in ScoutDI. But all in all, things have worked out quite well. Therefore, we will remember 2021 as the year...
Oct 1, 2021 | Company, People
Kjersti with EEG sensors attached to her head Everyone, meet Kjersti. She is the outdoor action type and loves kayaking, off-road biking and skiing. Metal-edge skis, of course. But in the office at ScoutDI headquarters in Trondheim Norway, she likes to ponder...
Sep 15, 2021 | Company, People
Meet our applications engineer Malshan Perera He finished his master’s degree in Product and System Design just in time before thankfully deciding to join the ScoutDI indoor drone adventure. Malshan is a creative soul with a good sense of humor. He has a keen interest...